Best ways to save on RV insurance.

Here are several ways to save money on your RV insurance.

First and foremost, it goes without saying ….be safe and maintain anrv accident-free driving record and Install an anti-theft device.

Enroll in a safe driving course.

Many community colleges and local RMV offices offer courses on driver safety. These classes are a great way to update your knowledge as a motorist. They can also be a way to save money; more and more insurance providers offer discounts on motor home insurance for completing a driver safety course.

Bundle your policies.

If you own a car, a home, a boat or an RV, you likely have multiple insurance policies as well as companies. Did you know you can save on your RV insurance policy by bundling it with your other policies insured with the same company? O’Connor & Co. will find you a company that offers such discounts saving you money on all your policies!

Get the Lowest Cost Coverage by Paying in Full or going E.F.T. (electronic funds transfer)

Another great way to discount your RV insurance is to pay your annual RV premium all at once or by monthly E.F.T. instead of by paper billing. Because of the overhead costs involved in processing monthly payments, insurance companies offer incentives for this. Your insurance will also be easier to track and manage.